pokemon spotlight: starting birds

The pokemon world is vast, with many many different pokemon to pick from, from strong to weak, many battles to a world that you as the player must save. We all start off our journeys small however, When you turn on that pokemon game for the first time, you are given a choice of thee starters, always fire, water, and grass. Then you are sent on your journey with a pokedex and balls to build your team up. It never fails though your first few grassy patches on your own you will encounter one of three guanteed types. a normal pokemon, a bug type and a bird. for the latter two you will likely out level there usefullness as you progress but the world is large and a reliable flyer will likely stay at your side for a long while. With this Spotlight instead of talking about one starting bird, i decided to do all of them, from pidgey to fletchling and all that fall in between. I have two rules that allow this flyer on this list, one it must start off as a bird, no bugs that evolve into flying. Two you must be able to catch them before you arrive at your first gym.

So who quailifies, i think most of you know, From gen 1, you have pidgey and spearow. From gen 2 we add in hoothoot, (pidgey and spearow appear again here. In gen 3 we add tallow and wingul to the mix. Gen 4 is starly, gen 5 we have pidove, and finally in gen 6 we have fletchling. I am going to try and not make this article two big but before we get to the ranks, maybe we should take a little stroll down discription lane first.

Pidgey’s family: Pidgey is probably the most famous out of all the birds on the list, well known to fans of the anime and gamers alike. Pidgey is the only bird in this group of starter birds that not only gets two evolutions (pidgeotto at 18 and pidgot at 36) but it also gets a mega evolution. That is high praise in deed, from both fans and the pokemon company to give one of the first bird types that most players run into a mega. The train doesn’t stop there either for pidgey, no this birds fan base grew even more when earlier this year Twitch played pokemon. A whole lore built around the game and Pidgey became so much more to people. it became bird jesus…the protector of the helix. I tell you out of all the starter birds here…pidgey’s fame beats all of them.


Spearow: poor forgotten and neglected Spearow. This bird was released the same generation in the same areas as Pidgey, but this guy is often neglected and forgotten for one of two reasons. One likly reason, gen one is oozing with birds and it just gets worse after. two Pidgey has two evolutions Spearow just has the one fearow. dispite all this, fearow is a really decent flyer who learns one of my favorite flying moves drill peck. This is a ferce bird type that deserves just as much love as pidgey. Sadly though…i think pidgey got a better agent.

Hoothoot: I honestly don’t have much to say about this guy, all my playthoughs in gen 2 i rocked spearow all the way though. I really can’t think of single time i really played with this guy. i will say this though, i really like owls so i have always been a big fan of the design. Its kind of sad though that this is the only instance of owls in the game. I have used this bird to breed with snorlax though, Noctowl learns zen headbutt, one of my favorite psychic moves, breeding it with a snorlax (holding a full incense) you will get a little munchlax born that knows this move. It is a difficult process but to me makes this starter bird worth having around.

Wingull: Oh wingull so cute…so damn annoying. Its only when playing oras did i remeber how annoying this bird is, and how much fun it is to electrocute the crap out of it when i run into it. Most starting birds have it rough with electric, ice and rock out to get them, but add water to the mix, wingull can’t even look at an electric pokemon with out fainting. Do not even get me started on Pelipper, I just have never been a big fan of its evolution. Sure its nice the game gives you a water type, especially since the first gym you come across is a rock type, but no.

Taillow: this is another generation 3 starting bird and honestly the better of the two. Taillow has a little more durbility then wingull ever had, but i am afraid unlike wingull if it wasn’t for ruby and sapphire rerelease this might fall into to the forgotten bird catigory. like wingull and hoothoot this little one only has a single evolution. I honestly forgot this pokemon existed until i was trying to complete my dex in Y, that is really sad, because taillow was also featured in the anime as on of ash’s pokemon. the problem here i think is its move pool is very shallow and the first three gyms where starting birds can really shine. Hoenn is just not a good place for starter birds with shallow move pools and gyms that don’t really take advantage of thes starting critters, gen 3’s starter birds just get obscured. so while design wise taillow is one of my favorites, it never really makes into a party.

 Starly: in gen 2 and gen 2 the starting bird types have ranged from not choosen because there were better and more familer options there, to competly useless and forgetable. When Pearl and diamond rolled around i think many pokemon fans were looking for a change in this trend, and what we got was starly. For me at least this little bird impressed the heck out of me, staying on my team though the elite four (five). This was the first starter bird in a long while that had pretty unexpected natually learned moves. I mean it learns close combat, then it has a pretty nice arrary of teachable moves as well. Plus this little guy is tough, i played though gen 4 twice, and both times i had a starly at my side. This one is one of the few starter birds you can take to the elite four and know they will be right there till the end. This is the only one on this list, i want to have a mega evolution to.

Pidove: this derpy thing, I can’t blame its design, honestly unova is more of a city scape, and supposdily designed around good old NYC. You can’t go a block in nyc without running into a pigion, so to have one in the game espeically in gen 5 must have been a no brainer to the designers or unova. My complaint with this isn’t pidoves design even though i really hate the male design, but thats ok i primarily go female anyways. My complaint with this guy, is more to the fact given how awesome starly was in gen 4 pidove is kind of a let down. no where near as strong as its predecessors i think pidove is doomed that as the years drag on to be forgotten like little taillow and hoothoot. Unlike hoenn though, unova has a few more bird types later game, so if you havn’t ditched by then you likely will by the end of game. its design is great its just if your a player like me who has been there for every generation, to see how stater birds can excel then the following generation we return to mediocrity. poor little pidove.

Fletchling: Well we have seen it all with starting birds, from gods, to forgetable and everything in between, but until gen 6 we hadn’t seen a starting bird quite like this one. Until fletchling all starting birds were normal flying with wingull being the only exception, now we have this one that as it evolves gains fire typing. None of these birds had been featured in a story. this all changed with the latest entry into the pokemon universe. the game starts off with as i would call it a smart ass little fletchling waking up out character, and when the game closes out we see probably the same smart ass fletchling flying away, talk about a good agent, (must be using pidgys). For a starting bird fletchling is probably the most useful bird on this list, not only does it gain a fire typing, it gets flame body, making talonflame the perfect pokemon mother(or father) to what ever pokemon you might be trying to hatch. Example pick up five eggs from the breeder, fly to Luminous city to bike around in a circle, until the five hatch, (hatching faster due to flame body) then taking flying to the next city to check on your new babies potential, just to start the process over again.

So now you have met, or reintroduced yourselves to the starter birds how would i rank them.

1 Fletchling, for its ability to help with breeding and its decent combat skills.

2 Starly, decent move pool, access to fighting and some of flyings best move sets.

3 Spearow: Fogotten by many, but not by me. a decent all around bird with the potential to take you end game

4 Pidgey: while a star in its own right with being dubbed Bird Jesus and getting a mega stone. compared to the others pidgy is just average bird.

5 Hoothoot: learns some intresting moves, but overshadowed in its own game by two birds from the previous generation. great for breeding move zen headbutt into other pokemon

6 Pidove: doomed to be forgottened, just an average bird with nothing really special going for it besides having two forms based on gender.

7 Taillow: Forgotten warrior of hoenn, and taillow was in the anime. Just an average starting bird with nothing to really make her stand out

8 Qingull: falls way to easily in battle, while it might be able to beat fletchling in a fight due to typing, in the end wingulls frailitys just makes it the worst of the starting birds.

What do you guys think, am i being fair. How would you rank these guys an why? Anyways until next time.

Oh and on operation hoenn christmas day, this week i am going to start breeding turtwigs to send over, who will you choose/

Omega Ruby: Final reactions and thoughts.

I have been enjoying the post game a lot, but have decided not to go into details about the final game because i want to leave some surprises left for you guys. so let me go over some of this.


-hoenn is beautifully redone.

-flying on latios/latias is a dream come true, always one of my favorite features in final fantasy was free flying, to see it here is amazing. Its a new feature i really really want to stay

-the little omages: when you talk to random npcs, they will sometimes mention other regions, kalos, unova, johoto shinnoh and kanto. it makes the game feel more global. Its a little thing but it helps.

-finding non hoenn pokemon from later games in hoenn. I cannot tell you how surprised i was to find Deino of all creature hiding at meteor falls.

-return of contests. i know i have ralled against the contests in the past, but its a nice break from all the battling you do. I didn’t really focus much here on it, but i have sapphire in the wing, i plan on doing contests more.

-secret bases. this is another element i plan on focusing more on the other game but i am very please to have this back again.

-bigger post game. thank you this was the one thing that really hurt x-y the post game was so small. hoenns is much bigger with contests the battle zone coming soon and the delta episode, it just pays off the player


-Regis’ and the lake trio are still a pain in the ass to catch.

-sneaking, while i liked this element i found points in the game this just did not work for me. I am still working on what happened here but until i figure out why this didn’t work i will not be a fan.

-missing elements: there are some elements that players of the orginal games really missed whether it was the bathing grannies or the running the ash off the leaves, those few little tweaks broke some hearts.

-Camera angles we are still dealing with is not perfect yet.

– customization. i understand that kalos was Paris and fashion and hoenn doesn’t have that elements.  Often these games are made very close to each other so its possible the customization wasn’t added in because it was never part of the original game.

-the change in pc option order, Organize boxes was always the third one down this game the changed it to the first spot. after years of being the same spot they move it!! Are they trying to drive me crazy.

Anyways i hope you guys have enjoyed hoenn as much as i am. I will later once i really get sapphire going will post up my base.

My New Top 10 pokemon

Every player of pokmon has a group of stand by pokemon, ones that have always relied on, or have come to rely on as the years past, for some its a matter of how they do in battle outside the game, for others its that old friend they can always rely on in the game. For others such as me there are just ones that no matter what comes our way we admire them, we use them, we  love them. That’s right little peices of computer programing we spent so much time with that we feel even artficually if we cheer loud enough for them we know that pokemon as weird as it sounds will come though for us in a pinch. For players such as me who has been playing the series as long as i have, i have found creatures i have come to rely on.

How they got to my team each one has its own story, whether i fell in love with there looks, or relablity or just as i was working with them i fell in love with the shear deterimation it some times take to raise one up right. to some are harders then others to put on this list and after much struggle i narrowed it down to 10 Pokemon who will always find a home somewhere on my team. (and in some cases my bed if i can find there stuffed forms)

10: Scizor: Somehow this guy always finds his way on my teams. its no secret that i like bugs i always have ever since i was a little kid, so finding a praying mantis pokemon like Scyther was a real score. In generation 2 it evolved into Scizor and with that often found a place on my team. Its a tough bug and has proven itself at my side over and over again. I know it will always be there an now with a new mega evolution i know it will continue to have my back.

9: Greninja: When X and Y initially came out i was on team Chespin being someone who almost always picks grass starters it seemed only natural for me to continue down this path. To say i was disappointed in little Chespin is an understatement. fortunately for me i decided to play both versions of the game, and the second go around i got to know froakie. Boy did this froggie ever make an impression on me. i named my first one Kitt after a bullfrog i had had in my youth. I have since gone on to breed a competitive one that knows the annoying to go up against but super fun when its on your side ability protean. It being a frog doesn’t hurt its case either, for me this is the stand out starter of and X-Y and you better believe when i play smash its also one of my go to characters.

8: Chandelure: To say i am not a big user of ghost (or fighting) types is an understatment. It in most cases is because i never really take the time to get to know them the case with most fighters there is never a design i really like. For me I have always thought myself as someone who likes to go against the crowd as well so i tend to for this reason stay away from popular and over used pokemon such as gengar. i am not really sure what it was about litwig that i really liked. For some reason it apealed to me and to be honest i wasn’t really that disappointed. In most generations Fire types are often few and far between so when you find one you stick with it, and when you find a good one you are rewarded. I have used this guy a couple of times now both in game and casual compitition and i have yet to be disappointed. A lot of generation 5 pokemon are overlooked for no good reason and Chandelure is very much a hidden gem.

7: Espeon and Umbreon:  I always seem to cheat a bit when it comes to these two. I like most eeveelutions but for me these two are hands down my favorite. When it comes to battling however it is almost always my espeon that is by my side, back in the day it was one of the best Psychic pokemon out there, and even today a lot of other blogs and players still use this guy in competitions.  I use it because it really is still to this day one of my favorite psychic pokemon, and it doesn’t hurt it reminds me of a cat. So if I use Espeon all the time, why does it share the number seven spot with Umbreon.  For me Umbreon is more of an emotional attachment. Some of you know and can see in my icon a black cat, that’s my buddy blizzard, and for some reason when i see Umbreon i think of him. I can’t help it, and blue i have always loved its design even its shiny as rare as that is to find. So for me i cannot separate these two, you can’t have light with out darkness, nor darkness without light after all.

6: Inkay: Inkay is different then the others i have featured on this list so far. Its not really on here because of its battling skills or its ever so weird type combination, no its on here because i am completely and utterly in love with its design. I am a huge fan of squids and octopus’s so when i met Inkay in the wilds of X I fell head over heals in love with this thing. While i am not as impressed with its evolution malamar, the way it evolves is kind of fun for me too. No Inkay is one of the few pokemon who earn a spot on this list because I just think its adorable.

5: Bulbasaur: As I have stated in the past my first pokemon game was yellow, making pikachu my first pokemon, but for me my first love is really bulbasaur. This little guy without really knowing it would set the stage for my starter choices for years to come, with me almost all the time picking a grass type starter with a small hiccup here and there, but i get ahead of myself. I just love this guy and to be honest when i got to pick again in Y I followed my heart not my head and picked it again. I think i had forgotten how much i loved this little guy until i saw him again. To be honest i think still even today bulbasaur is to often ignored for its more flashy turtle with the cannons or dragon but not really a dragon brethren.  He has been there since the beginning and I am happy to award my old friend with a place on my list.

4: Torchic: remember that hiccup I just mentioned, yeah Torchic is that hiccup. How could i resist such a cute little pokemon, i mean really. Torchic would mark the first and pretty much only occasion i would wonder away from the grass starter (for the first round of play) line. This little guy has never disappointed me, with a great move pool and lets be honest so few fires to pick from in gen 3 this was my best option and never one i was disappointed in. In every game i have had this guy in, it has come though for me, sure we have lost a few times to friends but i always had a good time. Lets be honest here Blaziken Torchic final evolution just keeps getting better as the years pass, and with ORAS around the corner i look forward to kicking ass and taking names once again with my little orange chicklet by my side.

3:  Crobat: Crobat didn’t even make the list last time, because honestly i forgot it, years away from the game i had forgotten my history with this little bat. it wasn’t until X-Y did i get a reminder of why i like this creature so much. Since i mentioned it recently in another post i will try to keep it brief. Crobat has speed, and some power behind it. more importantly its a bat, and as you guys have gotten by now i was a weird little girl who like creatures most girls did not, and one of those things were bats. So of course Zubat once again falls into the catagory of weird creatures i should like but i do so there. Crobat has earned its time in the sun and a place on my list, with a promise to never forget it again.

2: Lapras: this one should come as a surprise to no one who has read my blogs before, i just love this pokemon. Lapras has been at my side since the beginning and in almost every single generation i have depended on her to get me though the end of the game and the elite four. Lapras only drops to number 2 on my list because the years have not been kind to my old friend. while in game she always helps me, in the world of competitive she just has to many flaws to ignore. I am just starting to break into this world, and i would love to have my old friend at my side, but to use her would be a mistake, so i am forced to sideline her with the hopes that one day maybe with a mega Lapras will rise again.

So who did it, who unseated the once mighty contender for my heart.

1: Joltik: Yup that’s right this adorable tiny bug pokemon has unseated lapras from the number one spot. How the heck did that happen you might be wondering. after all me and lapras have had a decade with one another and this little upstart just showed up about four years ago. Well here is how it happened, as it probably quite clear to you all by now i love bugs and other weird little things, So when i met joltik about a year ago i fell instantly heads over heels in love with this thing. However unlike the ultra cute inkay, Joltik quickly set about proving its worth in my team. Its Evolution galvantula is touch and its excellent in the world of competitive. no one knows what to make of this little eletric tick, and the fact i think the generation five is so unpopular makes this little guys a bit of a surprise when the meet it. Joltik just fits all my needs for eletric, bug, grass and what ever else i need in one adorable package. In the short time i have known this little bug it has proven itself over and over in game and in the competitive field. That is why joltik has earned a number one spot on my list.

Thank you for endulging me, and i should note, even though no generation 4 Pokemon made my list doesn’t mean i hate the generation, i just simply just don’t have any stand outs from that generation i continually go back to…yet. Also note Legends are not on this list because they already got there own special list.

What are your top ten, write yours in the comments down below.

Quick reviews and thoughts.

I am back, despite evidence to the contrary i am very much alive, although after a run in with a wall my brain hurts quite a bit. So lots of things to cover in this blog so let me lets go.

-Pokèmon omega ruby and alpha sapphire is right around the corner, a little less then two months away, so rejoice fellow pokemon fans, With the constant stream of new mega and content this promises to be the best remake yet.  of all the news i am excited about is of course the new mega/primal evolutions. Of all the megas i am excited for its sharpedos. i have always loved this little shark so to see it get some well deserved love is wonderful.  Of course with that comes the the most unexpected mega revealed, i have to go with slowbro, its a pokemon that already has two different evolutions (Slowbro and slowking) i am not sure why Nintendo found it necessary to give it another evolution.) Do i think all these mega’s will diminish from the game, maybe. I think for the first time in years mega evolution has got people really excited for Pokemon games, and is generating new and fresh buzz.


-Smash Bros 3ds: I am going to start off my saying, i am in general a casual player, and in general i am not really into fighting games, bust there is something very unique and special about smash brothers that makes even a causal player like me enjoy it. Maybe its the mix of characters from different series in the Nintendo world. maybe its the sometime beautiful soundtrack in the ground, or maybe its just because at the end of the day its nintendo. its going to be a fun fighter game that’s not going question my very soul for playing it.  At my core however i am a handheld game and up until this year, smash bros was a console game, meaning almost every time i had to have a console in order to enjoy these games. This year is different for the first time smash bros went to the 3ds, and i was pumped. i started putting a little money down at a time over the course of the year until yesterdays launch. When i went to pick it up it was already paid off. This afternoon i find myself enjoying the game, and honest it can be kind of casual too. You can pick it up play a round or two then set it down and do something like write for a blog that you have been neglecting for months.

-Tomodachi life: I am still not sure why i decided to get this game, probably a mixture or boredom and curiosity. I first downloaded the demo and fell in love with it. Its a fun quirky game that honestly can fill the addictive part of my personality well. check and feed them regularly, fill there needs get them to fall in love and have babies.


Well that covers what i have been up to for now, look for more blogs to come


Gen III Review

Pokèmon Ruby/ Sapphire and Emerald or known more as gen III is probably one of the most misunderstood of the generations. The first one to depart form the familiarity of the previous two and decided to explore a whole new world. Fan could argue either way but here is my take.https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f9/Sapphire_EN_boxart.jpg/250px-Sapphire_EN_boxart.jpg

*Just a note: I only played Sapphire and Emerald in this generation. I picked Sapphire because well its my birthstone and i like blue.

They took a chance, a lot of players from the previous generations were starting to age out of the game, so pokèmon had to take a chance and try to get new players. By almost essentially starting over with Ruby and Sapphire they allowed new players to come into the game, and not feel lost. This generation implemented lots of changes and removed a few changes as well so let me get right into it.


Hoenn: there is just so much to this region, oceans to explore, volcanoes run around. i can’t tell you how much fun i had playing in the ash covered leaves, i would run around in there just for fun some days. This region is beautiful and the enhanced capabilities of the advanced the graphics really helped showcase how pretty Pokèmon could be.

Dive: Yes this is an Hm move i really enjoyed and made sense to have it in game. Ruby Sapphire and Emerald are all about the battle of water and land. Dive gave players for the first time a chance to explore the underwater world of Pokèmon, its a move i really appropriated having and was a little sadden to see it removed in other gens. when it returned in Black and White it seemed more of an after thought then anything else. Dive’s power is essentially the same in mind as dive or fly. it takes the critter to safety for one turn then hits the following turn.

Villains: The battle between elements here is done very well, you essentially picking sides with the color you picked. it was nice to see a villain’s with a motivation besides money, and power, even if it is sort of a stupid reason.

Legendary: I am a big fan of almost all the legendaries in this game, (Except the regi’s) I really can’t say much about groudon only because i played sapphire, and emerald. but the others Kyogre, Rayquaza.

New Pokèmon: There are A Lot of good pokèmon in this game, some won’t make my top list but doesn’t mean i didn’t like them. in a way i think it was smart to make new and old players alike to start from scratch here, it really gives players a chance to get to know each one of these new guys, before going back to old favorites. there can be such a thing as too many choices some times and i think this game allowed players to slowly get to know and love the new guys…maybe as much if not more there old favorites.

Abilities: this is the first time abilities comes into play in this game, like the generation before which added held items, this one includes abilities. This makes a lot of sense for the first time taking ghost pokèmon that had been vulnerable to ground moves finally getting an ability to levitate.  abilities is something that was sorely needed and i glad was added.

Starting over: In  a lot of ways this was a starting over point or even the first time that people played pokèmon. While it always has been easy for the game to bring in new players, i think the fact that we are starting off in a new region, with new pokèmon gives players new to the franchise a chance to ease into the game who at this point had about 370 different creatures in it. Yes with Gen three we would eventually see a remake of green and red to appease the older fans and ruby and sapphire was to bring in newer fans. Also starting over gives players a fair chance to get to know the new guys.

Berries: I like the planting and growing of berries, i don’t know why i just do.


Contest: i really dislike the contests dressing up your pokèmon making them food to make them pretty all of it seemed like a pointless waste of time to me. give me back my slot machines!

back sliding: Yes i did notice the loss of the day night system and the week day events. While i was happy to see the loss day specific events the lost of day and night made little sense and would return in gen VI.

Internal battery: Ok this is more of a hardware issue. this is the only game where i have to replace the batteries in the actual game! Granted its loss only really effects berries which really cant travel over to other gens, still i don’t want to have to take apart my game just to go back and play it. Especially if the repair requires super glue. i am terrified of the stuff, won’t touch it.

Two bikes: I am soooo glad this was only here because it was overly complicated to keep track of which bike did what, why and ug.

Secret Bases: While maybe now a cool idea with more and more player interaction all over the world, i found little reason to have this in this game. I think in this case its a good idea…wrong gen to implement it in. But imagine how fun it would be to have this now with the capabilities of X-Y and global links!

No link to the past: while i understand the upgrade to the games jumping from system to system was necessary doesn’t make it any less disheartening to loose your older pokèmon for ever when you jumped to this game. i think this is also something Nintendo and game freak have acknowledge because fans were pissed off about this. However in all future games there has been a way to bring your critters over to the next generation. Currently waiting in black and black 2 is my kyogre waiting for be transported into his new home in X-Y.

My Top 6 favorites and least favorites.

i will be cheating here a bit because there are so many guys i like in this game. so bere that in mind. We will start with this dislike group.

6: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/8f/327Spinda.pngspinda: This isn’t bad i just completly forgot it was there up until recently. not a great sign.

5:https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/4b/349Feebas.png/250px-349Feebas.pngFeebas: if you spent as much time catching this jerk as i did, you would hate it too.

4: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d6/313Volbeat.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/55/314Illumise.png/250px-314Illumise.pngVolbet and illumois: i just don’t understand, Why.

3https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/a3/311Plusle.png/250px-311Plusle.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/e7/312Minun.png/250px-312Minun.pngPlusal and minum: No! No game no! Bad game. There was a good chance to give us goof electric pokèmon in this game, instead you gave us this? Why, why unleash these two upon the world?

2: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/ff/272Ludicolo.pngLudicolo: Words cannot even express the trouble this one gave my in pokèmon XD. I still loathe it as a result.

1https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/b/b4/Regis.png/250px-Regis.pngThe Regis. These three jerks, not a single one of them was easy to catch, i would have them down to 1 hp and paralyzed with there stats reduced to nothing and they still would not go into the freaking pokèball!! Dusk balls were not around yet so it was up to my timer balls, which honestly after 40+ turns would be about as effective as a master ball but nooooo. Recently while playing Black 2 i discovered i would once again get the privilege of catching them again. i refused they had been ported from sapphire and emerald i will not put myself though that unless absolutely necessary. Freaking pain in the ass pokèmon.

Fumes a little bit…

Ok now we got the guys who pissed me off to no end lets move on to the likes.

6: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/91/255Torchic.png/250px-255Torchic.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/2/29/256Combusken.png/96px-256Combusken.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/90/257Blaziken.png/250px-257Blaziken.pngTorchic Family: This one changed a lot of me, first fire starter i have ever picked. To this day a choice i do not regret. This family is super powerful to this day and is super popular. I would dare say it is second behind charizard to most Pokèmon fans in terms of starters, and rightly deserved its mega evolution. (not pictured because its not part of gen III)

5:https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/99/282Gardevoir.png/250px-282Gardevoir.png Gardevoir: Thanks To pokèmon X-Y i got reminded how good this pokèmon was…Is.

4: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/05/376Metagross.png/250px-376Metagross.pngMetagross: This guy you get end of game and takes a while to level, but it is powerful and worth your time. I think now with the passing of time some people have forgotten this powerhouse, but i never have. He now waits for the transporter to rejoin me, and who knows maybe somewhere down the line he will see a mega form as well…i can think of nothing else that deserves it more.

3: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/b/b9/321Wailord.png/250px-321Wailord.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/a8/319Sharpedo.png/250px-319Sharpedo.png Sharpedo and Wailord: i just can’t separate these two: Sharpedo water dark and a tough water Pokèmon to have on your team.  Then there is the Hm Knowing Wailord who can learn all water moves and strength just makes it too valuable not to have on your team. It was always hard to choose between them then, and still is today, so they can share number three.

2: https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/da/334Altaria.png/250px-334Altaria.png https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f1/330Flygon.png/250px-330Flygon.png https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/41/373Salamence.png/250px-373Salamence.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/e4/384Rayquaza.png/250px-384Rayquaza.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/52/381Latios.png/250px-381Latios.pnghttps://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/2/24/380Latias.png/250px-380Latias.pngAll Dragons in this game: i know i know this is cheating but it is true, there isn’t a dragon they added this generation i did not come to like or adore. i used them all and to be honest would use them all again in a heart beat.

1:https://i0.wp.com/cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/41/382Kyogre.png/250px-382Kyogre.pngKyogre: This is it, this is the water pokèmon who unseated Lapras for me. Its ability drizzle made it rain, allowing it to use thunder and not miss, and that’s not all. Like all legends it has an impressive move pool,  it is also so damn pretty. Years ago a friend of mine got me this guy as a stuffed critter, to this day i adore it. honestly if it wasn’t for lugia’s song it might be number one on my legends list too because i just like this guys so much.

All In All Gen III had its flaws, but certainly does not deserve the hatred it has received, yes it left a lot in the past, but you can also look at it this way. This was the start of Pokèmon’s march towards better quality games, games that not only relies on the catching them all aspect but helped develop in depth worlds were players could get lost in. In a way Kyogre my top pick for power and beauty seems appropriate because that is what Pokèmon marched to with the advanced generation. Beauty and power.

With all the hints dropped in X-Y one can only hope that Ruby and my birthstone sapphire will soon see a remake, because i can only imagine what they can do next .